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Wine label design for Vinos Nivel

This tasty rosé from Vinos Nivel is a wine made in our famous wine country, Valle De Guadalupe, México.

The labels of Vinos Nivel wines are inspired by the topographic map of the region, changing the color of the background to distinguish each grape while considering the tone the wine will end up having to choose the color of the label. This greener tint of aqua in combination with the orange logo were selected to represent the 2019 Rosé Merlot.
This entry is part of the varietal collection of #VinosNivel wines, each year there are 3 or 4 wines released from this winemaker, in 2019 they added the Rosé Merlot to the lineup.
After finishing the design and print I took some product shots in this pink background just to make the label pop.
This is from the bottom of the bottle, I took some pictures upside down ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Made this B-roll video to explain the picture taking process to social media, its in Spanish, but hopefully YouTube can translate.
Wine label design for Vinos Nivel

Wine label design for Vinos Nivel
