I noticed a deficiency in support provided for Territorial Army soldiers returning from theatres of war and the subsequent problems that can arise. I set out to remedy this.
After talking to many TA soldiers, officers and their families, I identified the key areas where improvements in the current system were needed as well as researching methods of preventing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The soldiers and I co-designed a framework of services and activities that would allow them to successfully fit back into civilian life in a more empathetic and beneficial manner.
The feedback received regarding the process and its outcomes was extremely positive from all participants. Civvy Street was a national finalist in the Royal Society of Arts competition: Design for Social Inclusion.
All photos used with participant permission. Names have been changed to protect the soldiers and their families.
Civvy Street

Civvy Street

I noticed a deficiency in support provided for Territorial Army soldiers returning from theatres of war and the subsequent problems that can aris Read More
