A compilation of my works for a year in 3DSense Media School.
It had been an intense but fun and enjoyable journey. I am honoured and would like to thank Sen and Justin for letting me be in this school.

I have met many amazing people and gained a lot of new knowledge within this one year. 
I am really thankful and grateful to everyone who has been through this journey with me.

Great thanks to everyone from my mentors (YP, Nick and Martin for all their patience towards my slow progress and guidance for my "roadblocks" along the way), all the seniors (for all their guidance to my enquiries despite their busy schedules), my wonderful classmates (for being ever patient with me and all the help I had received from them all), to even all my juniors (for all the inspirations they had given me through their works), for being the inspiring and motivating force for me to improve and course through the year.
Music Credit : Percussion by Red Ninja from Audio Jungle

Showreel 2020