For my final major project I created a new period product brand called BLOOOP, with the aim of being 100% inclusive for everyone who experiences menstruation.

I did this because I found there were not enough ​​​​​​​period product brands catering to the LGBTQ+ community, especially the trans community. So I tasked myself with creating a fully inclusive period product brand and product line that caters to everyone who experiences menstruation, no matter your gender identity.
By avoiding direct references to gender and being upfront about the product’s purpose, I drew influence from the ‘dazzle’ camouflage used on Navy ships in WW1, that sought to disrupt perception rather than obscure and hide.​​​​​​​
Each different product has its own dazzle pattern that transitions across the packaging, I used these patterns as a motif to take on different meanings. They symbolise the transition the body goes through during menstruation as well as the transition that many transgender men go through. 
The products displays a 'flow chart' on the side of the packaging, the chart allows customers to determine the type of product they will then need. The type of flow a product can handle is displayed in the bottom left corner of the packaging, this makes it easier for customers to find the product they need.
The BLOOOP website contains the catalogue of products available as well as some more information about BLOOOP as a brand. 

Below is a video walkthrough of the website.

