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Fraktur, Heinrich Böll

Heinrich Böll

Editorial series
designed by Carolina Leonardi

Heinrich Böll lived in Cologne and was probably the most popular German author of the postwar period. In his works he described the war, the falsity of his values ​​and the difficult years of recovery. A Catholic with an intransigent, pacifist and democratic moralism, he centered his narrative on the civilian themes of denunciation and the struggle against a West German system which, in his opinion, hid an authoritarian vocation under the liberal facade.

The illustrations.
Fraktur is an editorial series dedicated to the short stories of Heinrich Böll. The necklace is made up of six stapled volumes, packed with a staple, each containing a short story.
The illustrations all depict interiors inspired by some details of my birthplace, which I experienced intensely in the last months of the pandemic. If these details are a source of inspiration for me, I wonder what were those who, in their time, influenced Heinrich Böll. Inspiration was born from this contrast.
The chromatic palette of the covers of the necklace is sought after among the Pantone + Solid Uncoated colors as they offer a type of color that is difficult to reach using four-color printing.
On each cover I used a different color, while trying to maintain chromatic unity by choosing more neutral and desaturated shades.

Technical specifications.
The six stapled volumes have the size:
- single page 11x19 cm;
- double page 23x19 cm.

The fonts.
The titles were made by hand.
The font used to layout the book in its body text is Minion Pro, body 10 pt, spacing 12 pt. I chose it because I believe it is a very readable font due to its large openings.
The font that I compared to the Minion Pro on the back cover is Arial, body 10 pt, line spacing 12 pt, bold variant. I chose it to create a contrast between a graceful Serif font and a linear Sans Serif font.

The covers are made with brush and ink on paper, including textual elements.
I structured them according to a precise scheme, dividing the space into parts dedicated to each textual element: the titles, the author, the name of the series and the logo of the + 42DE publishing house.
I colored in white the parts of the illustration where titles and author are placed both to highlight them and to differentiate them from the publisher's logo and the name of the series.

The covers.
The grid used is a single column, 12 pt line spacing and the top, bottom, internal and external margins are 0.4 cm.
The barcode will always be placed on the back cover, inserted in the small dedicated illustration.

The inside pages.
Since in the six short stories the number of pages is not high, in the internal layout I have left a large white frame around the text block to maintain a visual cleanliness.

I made this editorial series for an exam
during the year 2019/2020
at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna.
Fraktur, Heinrich Böll