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How To Not Look Like A Tourist In Washington 101

How To Not Look Like A Tourist In Washington 101
I made these as a class project at the beginning of my senior year of college. It was inspired by my summer in California, where I did a design internship. Almost everyone I met there would ask me the same questions about living in Washington ("Have you been to Forks?" "Does it rain a lot there?"), and I thought it was funny that those were the main two questions everyone asked me about my home state.

For the record, I have been to Forks (it's just a typical small town, except for the large banner with a picture of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart's faces that says "TWILIGHT WAS FILMED HERE"), and it rains just the right amount (which is a lot, but less than people think).

Just don't use an umbrella, no matter what; it's a sign of weakness.
How To Not Look Like A Tourist In Washington 101

How To Not Look Like A Tourist In Washington 101
