Josh Cooper, a NASA astronaut was on a mission on the Kernel III space station which was intended
to collect 500 kg of Martian sand in order to carry out analyzes before the arrival of the first humans on the
red planet. 5 days after leaving Guyana, one of the two computer data relay boxes
is broken down. Josh, under the orders of his mission captain Peggy Whitson, had to leave the station
in order to carry out a repair lasting an estimated 2h46. This was without taking into account the seriousness of the breakdown as well as the negligence of Josh who
forgot to hang his security cable at the station ...

I took 10 days to complete this project, I first put everything on paper before modeling it directly on Cinema 4D. The post-production work was pretty quick in Photoshop. I would like for the next few times to develop the post-production aspect in order to have more detailed and realistic elements.

The moodboard playlist