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Excessive weight can make you susceptible toward many disease. It affects your personality also. Everyone wants to maintain their weight and it is a good thing to do until it becomes obsession. Excessive weight can affect you both physically and mentally. This tendency has increased since corona virus started. Since people are not as productive as they used to be before lockdown, this is resulting in weight gain. Here are some basic exercise that one can do to maintain weight:-

1. SURYA NAMASKAR: It is also known as Sun salutation in English and popularly known as “The Ultimate Asana”. Surya Namaskar supplies great energy to the body and it consists of 12 postures and is accompanies by some mantra and chant which represents the 12 ZODIAC SIGNS. It is practiced since Vedic age (2500 years ago).
It should be practiced in morning and facing toward the sun, Sun regulates energy to the body.

i. Reduces tension
ii. Regulates your breathing
iii. Improves blood circulation
iv. For glowing face/skin
v. Regular menstrual cycle in women
vi.  Increases muscle flexibility
vii. Calm’s mind

2. Rope jumping: it is one of the best cardio exercise to lose overall weight. It is an overall body exercise. One can start with 60 seconds of free style jumping and continuing it for at least 5 to 10 minutes. It also pumps your heart and lungs for a better functioning. It engages your quads and glutes also it works on your shoulder and arm since it stays straight during jump, which creates tension on these areas.

3. Running: it is one of the best and simple way to burn calories that you can consider. The faster you run faster you burn. You can start with a slow pace. To burn calories run at least for 30 minutes. Roughly a person burns 318 calories in 30 minutes. It depends upon weight of a person. Run at least for 3-4 days in a week. Running also have many other health benefits.
4.Walking: walking is one of the most underrated exercise. But, it can help you to lose weight but the walk should be brisk. 30 minutes of brisk walking can result into burning of 150 calories. The quicker you walk, the quicker you burn. But, don’t overdo it. Along with losing weight it has other benefits like it shore up your bones, strengthens your body muscles, support joints, improve sleep. It maintains your overall health.

5. Swimming: It is very beneficial for burning calories. It has another benefit that it combines cardio with strength training which makes your muscles stronger. A 130 pound person can burn 590 calories by fast swimming for an hour and slow swimming burns 413 calories. It engages several muscle groups as well as cardiovascular system.
6. Stair master: stair master is one of the best exercise as well as one of the toughest exercise. Even a fit person needs high amount of energy to do this. It engages your glutes, calves, squads which gears up your entire body and helps in losing weight. 30 minutes of stair master can burn 180 to 210 calories depending on your body weight and intensity of workout.
7. Kickboxing: Kickboxing work on core, legs, arms and shoulder which makes it a full body exercise. It also helps you in balance and co-ordination. On an average a person can burn 600 calories in an hour of kickboxing. It helps you to lose fat and increase muscle mass which makes you healthy. Especially it helps to tone your belly and love handles.
8. Cycling: Along with burning your calories it raises your heart rate which makes your heart also healthy. It helps you to lose stored fat in your body. 155 pound person can burn 228 calories by cycling for 30 minutes at a speed of 12 to 13.9 miles per hour. At a faster speed a person of the same weight can burn 372 calories.
9. Weight Training: in weight training you have you use some weight like dumbbells or any weight machine for resistance. It creates stress to your muscle and helps you to lose weight and get stronger.
India’s best medicine app, 3MEDS suggests you to do these exercise safely since negligence can led you to sprains and fractures.

10. Interval training: It is also known as high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Interval training means short and high intensity burst of activity with period of rests. One can do interval training for 10 to 30 minutes. It helps you to lose weight, increase endurance and many more. You can choose any cardio activity like running, cycling or kickboxing. Start your workout for 5 to 10 minutes and then take a rest of 3 to 4 minutes.
When you start doing exercise, you can have muscle pain. To get relief from this pain you can take help of ice pack or massage. If in case it is not working you can go for some medicines, like:-
i. Acetaminophen
ii. AspirinIbuprofen
iii. NaproxenBuy these medicines online from India’s best online pharmacy store,

These exercises will help you to achieve your goal when you are keeping patience along with the exercise. Remember patience is the key. Don’t lose your motivation. Stay positive stay healthy.




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