Amy Kraus's profile

Pleasure of The Familiar and The Unfamiliar

Two ceramic vessels made for a uni project.

Concept statement:

‘Why do we dispose of some things before their use has expired, while others are kept and repaired time and again, despite their obvious wear and tear—or despite the fact that their look belongs to a different time or era? Is it possible to define universal aesthetic factors that work for all (or most) human beings?’ (Harper, 2018, pg. 2)

Kristine Harper answers these questions in ‘Aesthetic Sustainability : Product Design and Sustainable Usage’; the cornerstone of my designed objects and the concept they embody. She discusses two different aesthetic approaches to creating objects that endure time - the Pleasure of the Familliar, and the Pleasure of the Unfamiliar. Titled accordingly, I have created two vessels that are manifestations of these approaches. 

In The Familiar Vessel (29 x 12 x 6cm), I have utilised slab work to create a modern take on a traditional silhouette. Incorporating a traditional silhouette signifies that this aesthetic has already endured time, and therefore will continue to. It boasts clean, smooth surfaces, perfect circles, and 90 degree edges - it is the minimalistic and simple nature of this object that makes it aesthetically flexible to suit the masses. 

In The Unfamiliar Vessel (29 x 12 x 12cm), I have used a combination of slab work and coils to create a unique and interesting object - one that will hopefully endure time due to it demanding ‘a sustained interest in exploring it’ (Harper, 2018, pg. 3). The motif of curves continues in a decorative way and small layered coils create complexity. The imperfections of slightly differing coils are evidence of my hands and I as the maker. 

By creating objects that users will want to keep, reuse and repair, not only is consumer culture discouraged and resources saved, but said objects will hold more time in them the longer they are kept, adding further meaning to them, therefore predisposing them to endure more time, and so on.

Harper, K. H. (2018). Aesthetic Sustainability : Product Design and Sustainable Usage. Routledge.
Pleasure of The Familiar and The Unfamiliar


Pleasure of The Familiar and The Unfamiliar
