• ISTD 2013 (International society of typography & design)
Copy written by Zsa Perry
Books Still? Investigate how we read in the 21st Century.
With the sudden rise in technology and the increasing amount of digital use in advertising and publications, I decided to investigate how we read differently in the 21st century and how we are influenced by the technology around us. The need for interaction and involvement is becoming increasingly important. While society is still drawn towards traditional books and the old world feel that they carry, the familiarity and interaction of digital devices is drawing the consumer towards a more interactive and digital platform. I looked into new types of digital reading as well as exploring traditional books and I decided to create an interactive booklet based on the idea of augmentation that would still hold true to a traditional book, yet be as exciting and interactive as a digital platform. 
The book is not digital, yet the techniques used and paper layering create an augmented effect that is similar to the way augmentation would be viewed on screen. I looked at the definition of augment and applied techniques in my book based on the words. Each layer adds to the page below and creates a new depth with added information. The books content compares digital to paper and how typography and design is different in print and on screen. Its a type war between Garamond and Univers. I wanted digital to interact with paper. My book will be a promotional item for ‘Linotype’. When someone buys Univers or Garamond as a desktop or web font, they will receive a free promotional booklet (Type Wars). 
Front cover (Type War), can only be read with the sleeve on
Inside pocket with introduction cards 
Typeface introduction cards for the type war
Contents page
Introduction - read in Serif (Garamond) and then Sans Serif (Univers)
Text can only be read when the phone is placed over the text.


Interactive typographic booklet
