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Find Out How to Wear Wedding Rings Here!

Find Out How to Wear Wedding Rings Here!
Most of have rings in mind, but there is more to the rings than carat sizes, and the stone studded on it. How is it given, the way it is received, and the way of wearing it is equally essential? Now that you have started to figure out about wearing wedding bands, you would be wondering how to wear them. Questions like, “is there a right or wrong way to wear one?” may be coming to your mind. Some ideas that will help you find the right answer are undermentioned.

On the Left Hand
The simplest way to wear them is on the left hand. The tradition of wearing the ring on the left ring finger has its roots in Ancient Egypt who believed that everyone has a vein that connects the left ring finger to the heart. By wearing the wedding ring on the inside, you are ensuring that it is as close to the heart as possible. This way of wearing a ring is popular in some cultures and regions of the world, e.g. the US, France, UK, Canada and a few other areas.

On the Right Hand

Way of wearing a wedding ring has to do with the area you are living in or the cultural traditions that you are accustomed to. While wearing rings on the left hand in common in many Western countries, you can easily find many couples wearing their rings in the right hand in the Northern and Eastern countries of Europe including Russia, Poland. The way of wearing the ring is also popular in India, Greece, Spain and Portugal. In Brazil, couples wear their wedding ring on any hand, but once they have taken vows, they will switch it to the other.

Stacking Engagement Ring on Wedding Ring

Some stack their wedding band and engagement ring on the same finger one on top of the other. In this way, you wear the wedding ring first followed by the engagement ring. So how would you wear the wedding ring at the ceremony? You’d have to remove the engagement ring before the ceremony to avoid missing it. Wear it on the other hand or keep it in a safe place. Other prefer to wear it another way round.


Hence, there are many ways to wear wedding bands along with the engagement ring. However, you need to know what is the tradition in your area. It’s best to follow tradition in the ceremony.

Find Out How to Wear Wedding Rings Here!

Find Out How to Wear Wedding Rings Here!


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