Johannes Mortier's profile

Juicing up the company car

We deliver graphic, digital and interactive design for companies who are looking to add more value to their product and services. Mozes is the name and Media is my game. The company logo is a modern "box" like design wich can be disected in the services we deliver. The box also represents the idea of branding a company or product. For our company car, a 1972 mustang fastback, we needed a more vintage look for our publicity. It would have been a shame not to honor the epicness of our muscle car.
It had been a while since I used my pencil for creating the first design, but with having the idea ready in my head it went quite wel. It was funny when I instinctively used key-board shortcuts with my left hand the entire time.
Scanning the sketch and making an illustratorfile. Along the way I changed some details. But the overall idea remained.
Measuring and doublechecking before sending it to be executed. I wanted the hood to be dull black. The lichtgray border would be chrome and the remaining elements on top printed with UV protected foil. Some companies suggested other methods and did'nt want to place chrome on the hood. But I sticked with my idea.
Resulting in an awesome kick in the nuts hood for our company car! 
Juicing up the company car

Juicing up the company car

Juicing up the 1972 company car with a vintage design based on the modern logo
