Benjamin Scott's profile

Inspired by the Masters

Recreating Irving Penn's 1956 Vogue Cover
Model: Zoe Blevins
Vermeer and Gatsby inspired image
Inspired by Oleg Tityaev 
Model: Sarah Hazel Cannon
Model: Alyssa D'Avanzo
Inspired by: Amber Gray
Inspired by Amber Gray
Model: Emma Frank
Inspired by Emily Soto
Model: Parker Burrus
Inspired by Ashley Lebedev
Model: Ashley McClelland 
Inspired by Julia Kuzmenko McKim
Model: Lauren Beaver
Inspired by: Vermeer's Girl With The Red Hat
Model: Ashley McClelland
Model: Alyssa
Vermeer inspired coloring and lighting
Inspired by the Masters

Inspired by the Masters

For this project I am going to be recreating past photos and pieces of art through photographs
