Azka Arif's profile

Separating Lentils

Separating Lentils
My core lesson project was based on the line that my grandmother sits outside in the sun separating lentils.The verb i took out from this line was separating lentils as this describes a body movement. Then began the process to show the act of separating lentils i first stated with visualising what it meant to me did some drawings with them then did a research on different types of lentils. To go a step further i got the lentils and i started taking pictures every few minutes while i was separating different coloured lentils. From this exercise i got to ind that when i was separating lentils different organic shapes were forming which really caught my attention. So i took those pictures to illustrator and traced those organic shapes and then filled those organic shapes with the basic shape circle which represented my lentils. After this i stared to make various layouts that would show movement. Out of all the layout i chose three which worked the best and added an accent colour which complemented the colour pallet of my lentils. After the layout was finalised i stared working on the typography that i wanted to use in my posters. I came across a poem which really reflected what i wanted to say with my posters. Separating to me meant being divided into groups according to your differences it was a reminder that though you might be different but that’s your strength and that’s what makes you unique.

Separating Lentils


Separating Lentils
