DLR Group's profile

Wahoo State Bank

Wahoo State Bank
Wahoo, Nebraska

Design Achievement
Wahoo State Bank, which began operations in January 1932, had a longstanding presence in downtown Wahoo until a fire damaged its historic building. The design of the new building provided an opportunity to update the bank's branding, aligning it with a forward-looking financial institution prepared for success and longevity in the 21st century. While paying homage to the institution's nearly 90-year history and character, the new branding incorporates modern design elements that inspire trust in customers and the Wahoo community. The revitalized brand features a soothing combination of light blue and navy blue colors, along with a fresh sans serif typeface that exudes a contemporary feel. The identity mark's clean geometric lines convey the bank's commitment to simplicity and transparency in its services.

Scope Summary
DLR Group was responsible for brand development, which involved updating the identity mark and creating new business materials such as business cards and stationery. The branding utilizes two primary colors, light blue and navy blue, along with light grey and white as secondary colors. The logo places particular emphasis on the word "Wahoo" in the company's name, highlighting the company's origins and its foundation in the local community and small business sector.

Wahoo State Bank

Wahoo State Bank
