R. Fey Realme's profile

Analogous Illustration 17' x 11'

Analogous Illustration 17' x 11'
Watercolor and digital medium
This illustration posed many challenges, and I struggled a lot--but I learned a quite a bit too, and most importantly I did not give up and got it finished in time.
I began this project by choosing two thumbnails from 24 thumbnails to refine, and chose one to develop with color keys and value studies (thumbnail #6).
I ran into a lot of problems after getting halfway through painting (watercolor) and had to restart, reworking my composition and color scheme, editing background elements and color/saturation to work more with my story.
I was struggling with the large dimensions and with my novice watercolor abilities, but when I was advised to add linework to the painting, it came together in a way that I was pleased with.
Thank you for viewing!
Analogous Illustration 17' x 11'

Analogous Illustration 17' x 11'
