Paloma Guzman's profile

Bottled Water Infographic

Water Bottles are Great, but also not
I've always been fascinated by infographics. I've always wanted to make one, but I never knew where to start and I was terrified of even trying, which is why this was an excellent project. With parameters and a topic that I could get behind I was set. 

We were asked to create an infographic for Mother Jones, an organization with information about various topics. This particular design was meant to be an infographic on bottled water and the stats behind it leading to so much waste. We were given information, but it was up to us to decide how to use it and which particular bits to focus on. 

I went through several stages of design and sketches in order to start getting a more complete picture of what I wanted from this particular project. The last two images started to form the final idea. After messing around with arrangement and alignment I ended up with this final design. It's one that I'm proud of considering this is my first infographic. 

Bottled Water Infographic

Bottled Water Infographic
