101 – Coffee Drinking
Whether you’re a pro coffee drinker, or a newbie, we are rounding up the best coffee-drinking tips – so you can make an informed decision about your brew every morning. After all, it’s the most important way to start your day.
 So, what exactly is coffee?
Might seem like an odd question, but do you actually know where your coffee comes from? The coffee beans are found in a ‘Coffee Cherry’ – a small red/pink fruit. The seeds of this fruit are hulled, dried and roasted – then shipped across the world as green coffee beans, ready for roasting into your piping hot brew. There are a few different variations of coffee that you can get, including Arabica, Robusta, Italian Roast… the possibilities are endless with coffee!

How to pick the perfect roast.
If Melbourne is any indication about the coffee scene – we’re known as coffee snobs. So, naturally, we know best. When choosing a cup of coffee, think about the undertones – do you prefer something sweeter, richer, chocolate-based or fruity? This is the best way to choose your roast. Luckily for you, we pair with some of Melbourne’s best roasteries, so you can pick your flavour and enjoy.
 Creating the perfect cup at home.
Now, you could go all out with creating something fancy if you want to invest in a coffee machine – which can be upwards of ,000. However, that is why we developed HOMEBREW – our Instant Coffee that could rival your usual café cup but definitely over the supermarket instant or coffee pods. Made for those that want an easy, fuss-free cup of joe in the morning, we wanted to create it for the coffee lovers and the newbies alike.
You can even add frothed milk of your choice (including alternative milks), add hot water and you’re good to go. Easy!
If you’re anything like us, you thought having a home coffee machine was a great idea at the start of lockdown…until you have to learn how to use it. Well, it’s time to pull out your milk frother and take your instant coffee to brand new heights.
What about other types of coffee?
If you’re wanting to get fancy, you can also create lattes, americanos, cappuccinos and more using our range of Made In Melbourne Coffee Collective Beans if you have all the gear and the right idea. We’ve created our Madison Blend, New Flower Blend and Nightshade Blend to best suit you – so pick and choose your favourite and. Enjoy your morning (or afternoon) brew.
How should I store my coffee?
As coffee is a perishable item, make sure you store it away from sunlight, in an air-tight container and away from heat or air, so it can stay fresh.
101 – Coffee Drinking

101 – Coffee Drinking


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