Featuring forms throughout fashion

The Configuration exhibition is about expression and to showcase a manifestation of line. Line is one of the most fundamental forms of the core elements and principles in design. But what is line ? And what does it does it mean to you? ‘Every single line means something’Jean-Michel Basquiat
The exhibition art will feature an installation of copper pipes that will showcase  line as movement and direction. A tri series of portraiture to signify thought and feeling through line during emotions of thinking, sleeping and loving. The series will have a life size mirror with similar linear lines where the brain would be, allowing the artwork to be interactive and more though provoking. Displayed in the centre of the exhibition will be a sizeable wire sculpture that represents the physical and the line energy that flows through us lines make us as humans the space in between the wired ‘lines’ is the ‘lines we read between’.  The last artwork in the space will be an illustration wall with various hand arrangements on a larger scale holding one another to signify personal connection with line when two seperate entities coming together to create one solid form. 

KnacK 2021

KnacK 2021
