100 m deep
You are not familiar with this place. You’ve never  been here before. It took time to find it. You don’t know much about it. You just know that this is your starting point. You want to go down, to sink. It’s not a common dive. It’s an exploration. You have heard stories about a different world, old. When human almost did it, becoming nearly one with his nature, with his origin. What went wrong? Nobody knows for sure. Today, 10 generations after that golden age,  stories are heard about a sunken vessel, a living part of an ancient civilization. You are so curious. You have search a lot, to find what they are calling starting point. And today, you are here. Ready. They warned you to be prepared. You may come along thinks that you are not ready to see. But maybe you are, maybe its time. You are here. Time passes, and you are ready. The route is simple. Down and deep.  You begin. You don’t know much about the sea. However in recent years, you tried a lot to learn how it feels to breath underwater, to sink slowly, to lose the sun, to meet sea creatures.
It starts slowly. Until here, everything looks familiar. A narrow passage between two reefs. You are moving slowly, trying to browse through their texture, to discern their color. As the sun’s rays pass through the water everything looks normal. As you immerse, light is lost. However, you are prepared for that.You go along, reluctantly. Already twenty minutes in the water. You turn to see the surface. The light has become minimum. The depth and the geology of the reefs both make visibility difficult. Your are alone. The darkness is dense. You are trying to concentrate, so as not to make unnecessary trips, but to focus on your route. Suddenly, with the corner of your eye, you catch a flash

200 m deep
You don’t pay attention. You keep plunging further. Now, you use artificial light to see. The landscape looks the same, and you feel that you have got accustomed to it now. You start touching the reef with your hand, using it, as a quide You immerse more. You continue to touch the rock. Suddenly something happens. It looks like the rock is completed and a new geometry succeeds it. With your hand, you touch an angular volume, full of edges. You illuminate the part of your hand in order to be able to see. You face a prism. It must be garbage, you think. Our waste have sneaked  everywhere. You are sad. And you continue. Before you could decide where to go, the glare passes again before you. This time it doesn’t disappear. It remains vague. it seems to spread by creating a network of linear light. You have never seen somethong like that. The light generated reveals a strange angular construction. It doesn’t seem like a  human garbage, nor yet with nature. Whatever it is, it seems to function, or live. It's weird. They talk to you for strange forms. For hidden natures. However it’s hard for you to believe that you are in front of such a form. You stop. What is it that you looking for? You have been told  about the remains of another era. An era, when man did not manufacture machines and impose on nature. He loved it and had learned to imitate it. To evolve it and to adapt to her. Once the world of human couldn’t be  distinguished from the natural world. It took years to come to this point. After a lot of research, effort, revolution. Until the point, when he destroyed them all. Within a short moment. All except this small heart. This vibrant container, currently hiding in the depths of the sea.

400 m deep
Your heart is pounding. What will meet along the way? Wil you find something? The landscape seems to change. The passage through the reefs is over, and now you are in a "valley". There aren’t any creatures to mee.. You no longer see the sunlight. You feel as if you have entered a new world. A magical landscape. The network of suspended lights is directing you. The signs are clear. In front of you there is a hanging cave. A door. A new starting point. It is clear. You must enter. You are scared, but you've done all the way just for this. You have searched for it. You're the only one who knows. You're the only one who is  here now. The feeling is strange, but the journey seems to become easier. As somebody is leading your steps. As if someone draws you near him. The journey inside this cave is eventually pleasant. You feel an irresistible euphoria, and light. You walked slowly inside, observing. Time passes. You realise that you do not know anymore how long you have been here. What a fool. You look at your oxygen. You will not last much longer. But you did such a long trip. You know that you are near. The flashes appear again. How much light, you think. And suddenly you're here, you are in front of it. Surrounded by flashes, hovering like a small god. You know that's it. It is the heart. It is alive. It was built by people, sometime years ago. The time they almost succeeded. You are happy. You have to leave, to find others and tell them, to rebuild what has been lost. You feel optimistic. You look at your oxygen. It's too late.


