Typhon (2004)
A layout and illustration commission for the client Vulcan Miniatures, for the miniature game Typhon, which was based on Greek Myths and Legends. The principle author of the game-book was a historian and together we held a desire for the visual design to reflect the era. The finished project was an 80pp. A4 game-book in black-only with a full-colour cover.
Front and back covers (2004)
All of the internal illustrations for Typhon were based upon the classic Greek pottery decoration known as the red and black techniques (620–330 BC).
Paragraph and Page Separators
Map of Ancient Greece included within book (2004)
Character Sheet pages from the book, pp.77–78 (2004)
The Typhon logo uses the typeface Pythia by Blambot (2000). The book was set in Bookman Old Style (Ong Chong Wah, 2001) as body type with Lithos (Carol Twombly, 1989) for headings and emphasis. The photography was supplied by Vulcan Miniatures, and other than the greek hero who appears on the back cover—whom I painted myself—were painted by Vulcan Miniatures Painting Team.
Typhon (2004)

Typhon (2004)

Book, logo design and Illustration for the game Typhon, written by Gavin Syme and produced by Vulcan Miniatures.
