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LiveDock by SAMSUNG

How it started: This is the initial idea where I described all the quirks and features the LiveDock had. It had the translucid e-ink touchscreen, fast wireless charging and the dynamis RGB lighting. I also intended to include some UV lights to disinfect the smartphone while the lid was closed, but this idea didn't make it to the final concept. 
Final Version:
Fast wireless charging with a grippy soft-to-the-touch material for the phone tu securely rest. 
Translucid e-ink touchscreen for social media notifications, music controls, clock and weather visualization and much more. 
Programmable RGB LED lightstrip that changes color smoothly depending on the context. Red for charging, green for full battery, purple for Instagram notification, etc.  
Top frame closes to temporally store your smartphone in order for you to stop worrying about your social media and enjoy your day. 
LiveDock by SAMSUNG

LiveDock by SAMSUNG
