NSPCA "Dogfight"
There are hundreds of animal charities in South Africa all appealing to the public for support. Some of these, like the anti rhino poaching initiatives, have massive funding from corporate South Africa and the public. The SPCA needed a campaign that would break through that noise with almost zero budget. With South Africa experiencing a 500% increase in dog fighting an impactful campaign was required to to capture the attention of the South African public to help fight the scourge. This cruel and despicable industry thrives on secrecy and fear prevents individuals from reporting dog fighting. The NSPCA needed to educate the public on what signs to look out for that indicate dog fighting activities which could lead to arrests. To achieve this they first required awareness of the problem and with no budget for media spend to reach the public we decided that we needed a more drastic approach.
NSPCA "Dogfight"

NSPCA "Dogfight"
