For my SI I stated the question  "How does technology negatively impact social cues and means of responsiveness?" In the  I found a couple pictures from Unsplash of a person looking down at his phone to show the absence of human connection. I wanted to create something in the future to show what path humanity is on which isn't a good one. The main goal of my piece is to show how damaging, deceitful technology can be to our mind and our everyday lives. For the SI 2 I felt that I improved my question to not only technology but mental healths impact. So I took a picture of myself in a hoodie with VR goggles on, sitting down alone in a corner, to show shaded reality. The reason I did this specific project is because I believe technology is separating each other from social activities and creating a more enclosed environment for hate speech, depression etc.). I also wanted to represent the current times that we are in, and the effects that technology has endured on our shut down nation. For my SI 6 I decided to move away from visual technology and moved to an audio type of technology such as speakers, music etc.). The reason I did this was because me like any other teens are likely to loose hearing overtime due to excessive volume increases.it has also been proven that some types of music can result in deleterious effects to the mind and body. I felt like I improved my GD skills and ideas of my SI projects by adding variety and not the same type of things and ideas in my pieces
Sustained Investigation 1:
Materials: Photoshop, Layer Masking, Brusheezy / Photoshop brushes, Textured image, a lot of Blend options, gradients... etc).
Process: I used only 3 images that I edited but added a lot of brush marks in the background, and used a ridiculous amount of blend modes. 
Sustained Investigation 2: 
Materials: Procreate, Photography, Alpha Lock, Shading, Layer Combining, Opacity, Unsplash, Direct Mouse Tool
Process: I used two images one of them being one that I created. I did a rough sketch and then a refined sketch, I then start color shading and create words for the background. Next I added shadows to my body.
Sustained Investigation 3:
Materials: Photoshop, Pen tool, Gradients, Layer Combining, Blend Options, Marquee Tool, and Brusheezy.
Process:  The first part of my project made a background by using a brush I created some overlapping lines. I then used a gradient and added light bulb and a person that looked like he was falling into a parallel universe. I used many blending options and brush tools to make this.
Sustained Investigation 4:
Materials: Photoshop, Unsplash, Pen tool, Blend Options, Adjustments, Rasterizing, and Brusheezy.
Process: I first found a man then cut him out, and created a dark background. Next I found gold rings and a led insta light and cut those out. Next I added some logos and light source around the face and rings. I used many blend options.
SI 5:
Materials: Procreate, iPad Pro, Apple Pencil Series 2
I first created a dim background using gradients I then sketched out fountains in the background and a cliff. Next I sorted out my layers and used alpha lock in order to draw certain parts of the terrain and such.
Sustained Investigation 6:
Materials: Photoshop, Unsplash, Pen tool, Blend Options, Gradients, Emboss and Bevel, Adjustments, Rasterizing, and Brusheezy.
Process: I found a speaker and then made lines and embossed it. next I found a graffiti based layer and added that. then I added a rip to make look like paper. I also added a few additional details in the background and in the speaker.
Sustained 7:
Material: Photoshop, Unsplash, quick selection tools, blending options, special brushes, gradients, rasterization.
Process: I wanted to symbolize the significance of technology overtaking nature and destroying environments so I found many photo and brushes that I could use to symbolize it. I also used some rendering options to add light values. 
Sustained 8:
Materials: Photoshop, Unsplash, Gradients, brusheezy.com, radial light
Process:I cut out the subject with quick selection. I used the marquee rectangle tool and wave distortion to add a glitch effect. I then add backgrounds with blend options and many hue and saturation / brightness options... Note: the 6th one is the Jpeg file.
Sustained 9: 
Materials: Photoshop, photography, camera, Unsplash, Brusheezy.com, radial light, and layer options
Process: I took a picture of myself for the subject and then added the foreground and background using many layer option and gradients and then using I put a radial blur on the letters to show that I was running. 
Sustained 10: 
Materials: Photoshop, Unsplash, brushes, pen tool, marquee tool
Process: I found my subject and then made a solid color background.I then cut out part of the head and added a factory... I used curves and Hue saturation to match the gloomy look. I then added a fence with vines to reincorporate what I want to be said. 
Sustained 11:
Materials: Photoshop, Brushes, pen tool, Unsplash Photos,  
Process: I used all non copyrighted images which I then add many color balances and curves and brightness to make the trees and road fit with the dark atmosphere. I also used many blend options and refined some edges. 
Sustained 12: 
Materials: Photoshop, MacBook Air, iPad Pro, Unsplash

Process:  I created my own brush by using a rectangle tool. I then cut out my subject with pen tool. Next I found a city and added color options to that. Finally I added some text, trend lines, and shadows. 
Sustained 13:
Materials: Photoshop, Lasso Tool, Unsplash, Brusheezy 
Process: I found an image and cut out the bench and figure using quick selection. Next I found a rustic wall and put it in the background, I then added bubbles with words and made it look like it was a part of the wall. I added shadow and balance between the foreground and background. 
SI 14:
Materials: Pexels.com, Unsplash, Blend Options. Gradients.
Process: I found background layer first before the subject,  then I added coded letters and place subject behind by using blend options. I then added another background with retro skulls and symbols of evil intentions. At the end I used the computer and screened it to make it holographic which I then applied text to. I overall used 30 different blending and curves to give it a dark style. 
SI 15: 
Material: Pexel.com, Unsplash, Blend Options, Curves etc.
Process: I found a subject and used many blend options and gradients to get it to look very cosmic. I then added a layer to compliment the face by creating shadows around the subject to make sure the viewer could grasp the concept. I then added a background by combining may photos together and then adding blending options and negative subtractions. 
AP Midterm (SI)

AP Midterm (SI)
