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Rodin Exhibit Brochure Design

CMoA Brochure Design
Layout Design

This assignment was for my Process and Production class. The task was to create a brochure for an exhibit at an art museum of my choice. I chose to design my brochure for the Rodin exhibit that was a temporary installment at the Columbus Museum of Art in Columbus, Ohio. My final design is relatively minimal to draw attention to the sculptures. I paired the organic forms of Rodin's artwork with sharp geometric lines to create contrast. I really like how sleek this design turned out, and I'm very proud of the final result.


Because I had visited this exhibit when it was open, I was already interested in Rodin's work, and I thought this would be a good opportunity to learn more. Most of my research was spent reading articles and searching the web in an effort to compile copy and images. Since this was a school project, I ended up getting most of my body copy directly from the CMoA website, and I gathered my images from the internet. Before I started thinking about my final composition, I decided to photoshop a few of the images I found to get rid of the labels and other pieces in the background. This helped me achieve the clean look I was aiming for.

After gathering my content, I started exploring different compositions through thumbnails. I created six total thumbnails with three for each the inside and outside. I was really drawn to a centerfold-like spread on the inside of my brochure, as seen in my first set of thumbnails, so I decided to move forward with those designs. There are some small things that didn't make it into the final layout, but overall the design stayed very true to my original thumbnails.
Final Layouts

This project was pretty fast paced, so I don't have much more to show for the process. In my final layouts, I enlarged the figure on the front cover and placed his arm through the O of Rodin. I thought this made the cover a bit more visually interesting. I also opted to remove the second image on the inner flap, and I got rid of the pair of hands on the inside spread. I ultimately decided to use less text as well, and I placed an image behind the "Rodin." These changes made the layout feel more clean and professional, and I'm quite happy with the results.
Rodin Exhibit Brochure Design


Project Made For

Rodin Exhibit Brochure Design
