Big Idea: Don't pop that pimple, pop your bubble!

Pop Your Bubble focuses on the topic of acne and one which I share a personal connection with as I started to get acne at the age of 17 and it had several implications on mental health and didn't allow me to excel in opportunities which I felt I could have. Therefore, I wanted to create a resource, a sympathetic ear which I wish would have existed for me when I was going through that challenging time. This project is a gap which I aimed to fill to help other girls battling the same issue. 

Pop Your Bubble is an unusual recipe book which helps you pop your bubble and not the pimple. It explores the concept of acne in teenage girls from a different perspective and has used the insight of desi totkas which exist in Pakistani society to recognise that these desi totkas should and cannot be a one stop solution for every girl battling acne. 
The reason for choosing a recipe book format is because a recipe book is one which is passed down from generation to generation and generation, people buy recipe books to follow what is in them and therefore creating one which will dictate that not all desi totkas work for everyone will provide a clever way to pop the bubble. Recipe books are sacred and help to establish the mother and daughter bonding experience and it has a personal connection in my life as well.
To recognise that raising teenage girls in society is not an easy task and that not all daughters are close to their mothers in their teenage years, this book aims to bring back the days where mothers and daughters used to spend time reading and bonding together. But this time, sparking conversations about pressing topics such as acne and from one woman to another, they will be able to better understand them. 

The recipe book contains 10 recipes and have sarcastic denotations on how to create this recipe but the ultimate result will enforce popping the bubble and to accept that these desi totkay may not always work and an acceptance of female beauty as it is an empowering takeaway message. I also collaborated with Dr. Maleeha Jawaid who is a renowned dermatologist at R5 Aesthetics in Karachi and her interview section in the book reinforces the empowerment message I have conveyed.

Pop Your Bubble


Pop Your Bubble
