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Research to understand requirements for a fitness app

Case Study-
This case study elaborates various stages of research to solve the problem of inconsistency that people go through in their daily workout.
The aim was to chalk out workout routines that would ignite interest in people so they could remain consistent and live a healthier lifestyle.
The following UX deliverables were used to understand the problems and narrowing down the requirements for a “fitness app.”

User Interview & Context Mapping-
The target for my research were people between the ages 25 to 30. The reason I choose this age band is because people tend to change their priorities and start taking fitness for granted and indulge into unhealthy lifestyle.
To find insight into this I created an interview guide, took several interviews and found some pain points that people have with the current offerings.
I wanted to dig deeper as people often tend to miss out details while explaining so I gave them probes for context mapping which gave me a chance to observe them during the task.
After collecting the probes and interviewing with my target group again I had sufficient data to start upon.
Affinity Diagram-
After writing down the insights my next target was to analyse them and establish major themes in my data.
For this I wrote these insights on post-it notes, made several clusters and arranged them accordingly.
Empathy Map-
After reviewing each theme in affinity diagram, I drew an empathy map to better organise user quotes and insights into relevant quadrants.
For this purpose, I categorised them into four quadrants which narrowed what the participants said, did, thought and felt.
To crystallise the user needs I formed few point of view statements which helped in gaining empathy with my users to better understand their needs and gave insight into their routine.
This enabled me to frame several “how might we” questions focussing on the problems faced by the users.
After establishing how might we questions the problem that seemed consistent among users was the lack of motivation to be regular in their workout as they find these traditional workouts boring. The insight that I got through interacting with them was they were fit a few years back as they enjoyed playing some sports and had a more active lifestyle.
So, with this persona I tried to empathise with my target users who face this dilemma of having an urge to get fit but not finding interesting ways to remain motivated.

The persona that I designed is of a male, aged 28 who is a CA by profession and works 8 hours a day. Shubham is married and used to be fit but in these few years he had put on weight. He paid for a yearly membership of a gym last year but never went. He loved to play cricket back in college and wants to continue but has no one to accompany him.

Empathising with the persona and understanding the problem domain I tried to ideate through three different techniques to get ideas quickly as well as broadening my perception so as to get some out of box thinking which could help in finding a holistic solution towards this problem.
To better understand and empathise with Shubham I designed a storyboard for the stakeholders to flesh out his experience.
I created few paper prototypes to test them with my target group.
I was focussing on a feature that would enable users to tailor their workout type which would give them flexibility in choosing the kind of workout they like.

My target users enjoyed the idea of choosing sports as a workout type and finding workout sessions based on it. They also liked the idea of connecting with peoples nearby with similar workout interests and pushing them through challenges keeping everyone motivated.
They found the flow to be precise, easy and informative and said would definitely use such a service for their training sessions.
Research to understand requirements for a fitness app

Research to understand requirements for a fitness app


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