Fight to Fame's profile


Are you dreaming of becoming a successful Hollywood action movie star? Your dream has a real shot with Fight to Fame.

Successful business ideas are all about introducing something new to the market, a solution to a problem that has long plagued a particular sector. And, that’s precisely what Fight to Fame successfully did.

Fight to Fame has done something that has never been done before: mixed three different industries, blockchain, movies, and sports, and did a large business out of it. This reality show is nothing like the shows you watch on TV. It is a unique business model that will revolutionize the fighting industry as a whole.

Check out what is Fight to Fame all about, how it works, and even the industry problems it has solved.

What is Fight to Fame?

Fight to Fame is an entirely new concept of a reality show, designed to help aspiring Hollywood stars to make their way to Fame through fighting.

The global platform promotes the idea that action stars come from different sectors, including sports, bodybuilding, and more, but only a few stars come from the fighting field. So, to change this lack of balance, this unique business model organizes competitions which give the winners a chance to get casted in Hollywood action movies.

Fight to Fame aims to create a new generation of international action stars, which is why it keeps its door open for fighters from all around the world. Yet, don’t get too excited, to win the title of the “action movie superstar”, the winner must show their strength and spirit while fighting for a chance to Fame in Hollywood. So, all participating contestants must work hard to win all the elimination rounds and pass assessment tests.

But, no matter how difficult the way up to Fame might be, it’s all worth it considering that the lucky winner will become a world-famous fighter, and will also have a great chance to play in Hollywood’s next action movie.

It brings transparency and a real shot for those who dream big

It’s no secret that making it to Hollywood is a slippery road filled with many challenges along the way. So, many of those who dream of becoming Hollywood stars quit on their dreams before they get to taste Fame.

But this is a significant industry problem that Fight to Fame aims to solve. Both the fighting and entertainment industries are hard to conquer, even when you are really talented. Sounds discouraging, right?

Well, what if we told you that with Fight to Fame, your talent and motivation is all you need to become a world-famous fighter and the next action superstar in Hollywood? This sounds really exciting, doesn’t it? So, one of the problems that this reality show solves is making the way to Fame a lot easier for aspiring superstars.

But that’s not all. There’s one more colossal challenge that Fight to Fame solves which is the lack of transparency for fans. Have you ever wished to support your favorite contestant in a reality show but didn’t trust the polls and voting mechanisms enough? Well, consider this issue solved as well because Fight to Fame’s business model aims to bring transparency for fan involvement.

Those real fans who want to spend quite a sum to support their favorite participants and help them get a chance to Fame can do so now without worrying that their votes won’t even matter. By embracing the blockchain technology and using crypto tokens, Fight to Fame eradicates any possibility of fraud and cheating. In other words, the show’s crypto tokens are way too hard to manipulate or cheat.

BMS business model explained

What makes Fight to Fame so different from any other business you’ve seen before? Well, starting to its unique business model and core goals, this platform is truly worth being associated with the term “innovation”.

When no one ever thought about combining blockchain technology, sports, and movies into one business model, Fight to Fame had this revolutionary idea and made it a success. Each of those sectors involved in the company’s model has a significant contribution to the reality show’s goals.

In other words, Fight to Fame aims to make sports athletes from the fighting sector famous in Hollywood action movies, while using blockchain technology to ensure safety and transparency for all parties involved. So, this winning combination that led to the BMS business model is essential for the company’s end goal to be reached.

How is Fight to Fame making blockchain technology a Hollywood star

Fight to Fame isn’t just helping participants to make a name in two major industries, it has also made the blockchain technology as famous as a Hollywood movie star.

Blockchain technology has already started to be embraced by several industries, alongside with crypto technology. Why? Because these two technological innovations bring transparency, security, and ease of use on the table.

Fight to Fame saw the potential of this technology and decided to make it a core element of its business model. So, how exactly is the company using blockchain? Using this technology, Fight to Fame created an ecosystem where users can be part of by using crypto tokens.

FF tokens, as the company named its crypto token, can be used by users to get a front-row seat to the global entertainment platform. Fans can use them to vote for their favorite participants, knowing for sure that the results are authentic and reliable. And, they can use them to be part of other activities on the platform.

Fight to Fame is all about innovation, and is set to change things for the good in the entertainment and sports industries. Having authenticity and transparency as its core beliefs, the company revolutionizes entertainment not only for fans but also for aspiring superstars that need a chance to prove their worth.

