Leah Blount's profile

Random Silmarillion Character Doodles

These are some random Silmarillion character designs that I've done for personal enjoyment the last year or two... They're based on my own personal interpretations of the characters. I'm hoping to make a more official project with some more defined character designs in a consistent style too, but for now, thought I'd share this :) Most if not all of these can be found on my Tolkien Fanart blog: essenceofarda.tumblr.com .(These drawings progress from newest to oldest)
Above: Haleth
Above: Galadriel
Above: Idril Celebrindal 
Above: Aredhel 
Above: Elrond
Above: Galadriel Again
Above: Varda
That's all for now! Like I said, I hope to make a cohesive project based on the Lord of the Rings book specifically with character designs--but that's a future project :)
Thanks for stopping by!
Random Silmarillion Character Doodles

Random Silmarillion Character Doodles
