Janet Peterson's profile

Graphic Web Design

Internal Employee Discount Page. Deltek/Connect. Adobe Photoshop.
For this company's internal website I was to update their employee discount page along with adding in some simple yet colorful design elements. I had to go through all their discount sections and find out what was still valid while also seeing if I could find any new discount places that could added. 

Fun Facts
I taught myself HTML when I was 13 years old, that was over 2 decades ago. I was also the only one in my web design class at university (in 2019) that even knew how to code a website since that particular class only taught design (which is kind of useless in some ways if you really want to be able to customize a website to have it look like your design). 

If you want to learn how to code websites, a great resource is codeacademy.com. Adobe Dreamweaver can also help those figuring out how to code and it can quickly get you started on creating a website, etc. The simplest program you can use to create your own coding is Microsoft's Notepad (of course, you have to know codes for that to work). There are of course web platforms (ex. Squarespace) that can do most of the work for you if you don't want to learn how to code (or don't have time) but you'll probably find some customization limitations with these premade template styles if you don't know how to code.

I honestly learned to code because I had a huge desire to create my own functioning websites, and you can find all types of fun codes online (you can also use Bootstrap which has some premade codes). I use to basically dissect HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) code and figure out what codes did what and then I progressed into CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) which helps in formatting and that's good to know when you want to make multiple web pages on a website (which you probably do) and update the look of them all at once instead of individually (or rather, page by page).
Above are the sections I created for the webpage. Below are the social media posts I designed for Yammer which I later replicated in Canva so that anyone in the company would be able to edit them as needed.
Virtual Booth Template/Graphic
Adobe Photoshop.
Open Enrollment Graphics
Adobe Photoshop.
A series of header event web graphics.
This is a web background I made for a company's internal website login page. I went with a gear theme to represent the sites internal works while also showing some of the apps/programs found within this site.
Internal Website Banner Ad
Adobe Photoshop.
EG Website
This was an educational website I created for my Capstone project based on e-commerce.
Girls Rock! DC
For this project, I redesigned the Girls Rock! DC app (click to view).
Urban Eden Website
For this project, I had to put together a website for this fictitious spa company.
Here I helped put together imagery and setup text for this company's quarterly newsletter posts. Since I worked for this company during the COVID-19 pandemic we were able to switch from a printed magazine to a blog format and this allowed for a lot more options for the company as well as being able to share more stories with people as we weren't limited to a particular page count.
Graphic Web Design

Graphic Web Design
