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Why to Advertise with Pinterest Ads?

Why to Advertise with Pinterest Ads?
*** This article was produced for and published by Chili ***
When we think of advertising on social media the first platforms that come to mind are Facebook, Twitter, Tik-Tok and Instagram. We could also add some messaging services, such as WhatsApp. But what about Pinterest?

Pinterest is a platform in which users can create, collect and manage visual information (most of it images). It works as an online board where we can virtually pin our interests.

Its dynamics work like this: users pin images, gifs and videos. They can also create content for others to pin. Users can also group up collections of images. There’s almost everything on Pinterest, but most of the content consists in recipes, fashion, home and beauty.

Very well, then. But then:

What is Pinterest Ad?

Pinterest’s advertising tool allows us to create ads through a pay-for-placement system. Pinterest Ads have images, texts and links and they appear on the user’s feeds.
How does Pinterest Ad work?

There are different ways users can see Pinterest Ads:

- Directly on your company’s profile.
- Through a search with keywords.
- On related cathegories.
- On their own feeds if the have pinned you or if your pin’s categories are relevant for those users.

There are various Pinterest ad formats:

Common Pin

It’s just like a normal pin. This is the most used Pinterest ad type.

Promoted Videos (standard width)

It includes, besides the title and the description, a video between 4 seconds and 15 minutes. For a better user experience, remember to film in portrait mode.

Promoted Videos (maximized width)

Just like the previous type, but here videos can be both square or filmed in a landscape mode.

Promoted App Pins

These pins promote apps by posting images and videos.


These are series of square images (between 2 and 5) that allow us to show different products or the same one from different perspectives.
Why Advertise on Pinterest Ad?

With almost 500 million users around the world, Pinterest is one of Internet’s most used social media platforms. Its users have 47% more probabilities to meet discover new brands if we compare their experiences with the ones from other platforms. 

Around 93% of Pinterest users plan to shop through the platform and 87% of them have already purchased something through Pinterest at least one time. As you can see, Pinterest’s potential is huge.

Also, did you know that Pinterest ads don’t disappear when your campaign is over? Indeed, when a user pins an ad, other users can see it two even after the end of the campaign. In fact, those ads receive 20% more clicks during the month after the promoted pin’s launch.

Pinterest users are very active and they have an important tendency to ecommerce. That’s why creating ads here is so worthy. It’s also cheaper to advertise here than in any other big social media platform.

We’ve seen the benefits of Pinterest ads and the kinds of ads we can create. Now, let’s see how to actually do it.
Why to Advertise with Pinterest Ads?


Why to Advertise with Pinterest Ads?


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