Physics Arts's profile

Real Life Situations

Arphysist Art Works (Real life situation Line)
Real Life Situation with physics.
This line expresses the physics hidden in everyday life with illustrations and mathematical formulas.
The world is based on beautiful laws. Humans are trying to unravel the art with the procedure of mathematics. I want to express such human challenges from my point of my view.
Critical Value
Anyway, chairs and children don't go well with each other.
Chairs try to help our lives, but children don't care. That is, the child falls over the chair.
Behind the scenes of such daily life, the moments of each force compete with each other.

2nd law of thermodynamics
The cream mixed with coffee can never be separated. This is expressed by the second law of thermodynamics. This is like an encounter between people.
Wave Equation
Vibration generated from the wave source is gradually transmitted to around transmitted through the medium. Once a wave is generated, all displacements in various places are predicted by the wave equation.
The only thing I can say is that no waves can occur unless the first vibration occurs. The same can be said for human behavior.

Pulling Tablecloth
The result of the tablecloth pull is determined by the momentary timing. Whether it can generate a force that exceeds the maximum frictional force between the object on the table and the tablecloth.
After that, if we survive the movement due to the dynamic friction force, we will get the result we wanted.
Archimedean Spiral
Mathematics exists even in our most personal and defenseless space. The Archimedes spiral, discovered long BC, turns its appearance into toilet paper and watches over us.
Thank you for your watching and thinking Physics!!!
Real Life Situations

Real Life Situations
