Interface/ motiongraphic,2018

G-Warn is a project aim to improve user's driving experience during the despairing time on a bad traffic in an urban city to be more enjoyable. Thus support user who feel frustrated in self-control toward their addicted behaviour on a phone, to pay less attention ,by reduce sight attention on a screen adding sounds and release scent to re-create the atmosphere in the car to be entertaining or subduing.

Using a real time data from a car, that application will transform its visual, sound, and scent to sever different situation that user are facing to, and support user be more mindful during their journey.
The design inspired by Thai culture of car amulet, to wish them a safe journey. G-Warn is re-created to offer the user with fresh experience to be a symbolic of reminding user to be aware and goodness while they are driving. 

Various characters are developed based on a common amulets, in Thai cars precisely. User can choose a character as their journey buddy. Each characters represent the unique blessings according to their myths. 


