waie syukri's profile

Highlight and Shadow

Fundamentals Of Creative Authoring Tools
Task 3 : Introduction to Shapes and Basic Tools in Adobe Illustrator
The task that we were ask to create 4 different shapes (circle , cone , cube and cylinder ) ,Then we were ask to create the highlights and shadow using gradient and vectors shapes.  
First, when creating the circle shape I used the Ellipse Tool, the cone shape I used Polygon Tool , for the cube I used Hexagon shape from Polygon Tool and lastly cylinder I used Rectangle and Ellipse Tool. When creating those shapes I used the shape builder tool to erase the lines inside the Cone , Cube and Cylinder.

Using the gradient tool , I created the highlight and shadow. It's quite challenging and when doing this task it's a learning process and I can do better in the future. The light basically comes from the left side of the shapes and on the right side it will be dark.

Using the vectors tools, basically I only use 3 colors in each shapes. for me the hardest shape to apply the highlight and shadow are the cube because I can't really understand the logic. But It's also fun playing and learning with these tools and help me to improve. 
Highlight and Shadow

Highlight and Shadow


Creative Fields