(Digital Art, Photoshop)

[It was a one on one session, since every other member of the party is currently in Castle Ravenloft. As few people know, he has a flaw that says “I crave power above anything else”, so he tried to get every dark gift he could.]

This story has Curse of Strahd spoilers.

Having previously defeated almost every monster in the Amber Temple, the one's who remained there were the hags, the yugoloth Neferon, the lich, both amber golems and the ghouls.

He could easily sneak his way out of the temple with his +11 stealth, but he encountered the hags, who believed he was a vampire spawn created by Strahd (because of his appearance). The hags demanded for his help to open the doors in the East corridor. He smashed them and received the 4d10 damage, he didn't die there. The hags received the Dark gifts and escaped the room turning themselves invisible.

When the doors were smashed, one Amber Golem ran towards the room. Oston hid there since the golem was bigger than its entrance, but of course he broke the door's arch, ceiling and finally... his ribs.
With his first failed death saving throw, the amber golem fled the room. He rolled, success, failure, success, success.

Short rest in the sarcophagus room.

He smashed the other door from the south, taking another 4d10 necrotic damage (he has the ring of regeneration). When the golem heard, he escaped through the hole in the ceiling.
Up there he sensed cold air in the back of the neck, as if someone ran behind him. No one was there. Oston closed both double doors and placed bells and strings in the doors, he then placed himself back to back with the wall, waiting.

The invisible Neferon, who was messing with him, rang both bells and some more behind Oston using cantrips, causing the amber golem to run upstairs. Oston used ready, if the golem enters, he jumps through the hole. Neferon used ready, if Oston jumps, grapple him.

The golem arrived and some invisible force tackled the halfling to the side of the room. The golem uses Slow.
Oston grabs his manacles and handcuffed himself with the yugoloth.
The Golem smashes the Yugoloth and then Oston; 0 hp once more, failed death saving throw.
The Golem fled.

While he was out, Neferon carried Oston out of the temple while he was rolling his death saving throws. Nat 20 in the third roll. He realised he was outside the temple and he no longer had his winter clothes on. Neferon takes out a knife and aims to cut out Oston's hand. Oston casts lightning bolt. Neferon counterspells and begins cutting of the halfling's hand. He screams and gives out the key. Neferon accepts and throws Oston without his winter clothes into the snow and returns to the temple.

Now, for whatever reason, he flies to the top of Mount Ghakis to slain the previous contagied Roc and gain 7,200 exp for himself. With the blizzard at 2 am he only sees a little bit of its shadow, but he hears the roc's screams. For three consecutive rounds he used sneak attack because if the roc takes damage it's stunned the next turn.
But remember, he had a broken rib.
He failed his CON saving throw so he misses his turn, the roc is no longer stunned. The roc attacks with its beak with a critical hit, reducing Oston to 0 hp, throws him to the air and grapples him with its talons, counts as one failure. The roc throws him down the mountain, Oston lands in a part of a trunk, he gets a fastering wound, he now has wood going through his stomach. For the next 8 days he's going to permanently lose 1 hp max.

Defeated, he goes to the Tsolenka Pass, but he loses his survival check and goes south, breathes the mist, gains one exhaustion level.
He gets to the Tsolenka Pass gaining another exhaustion level because of the extreme cold. Oston enters the tower and ignites a fireplace. Long rest.


Both the player and me, the DM, were exhausted at this point so he returned safely to Argynvostholt.




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