Dug A.M.'s profile

Death of a dream

This drawing/sketch I did in just 1 hour and a half, while I was in a surge of creativity and melancholic emotions of a teenager (laughs). I used a standard writing pencil (the size of my little finger) and without using an eraser.

The idea is that each hair of this woman was a dream, as goals and desires, some are bigger than others and also have different resistances. In the drawing she cries for the awareness that not everyone can be realized.

A friend when he saw the drawing said that the hair across the character's mouth was as if "I" wanted to completely consume that dream. While another said that "I" wanted to keep the desire secret (like a finger in the mouth), and hide it from himself.

I think they were both right.
(2017 year drawing)
sketch start
Thanks for watching.
Death of a dream

Death of a dream
