Diplômes 2020 – Graduate catalog ÉSAL
editorial design, 2020

The graduate catalog of the ÉSAL (art school in Metz, France) presents the work of the graduates of the year. For this special year (2020: Covid…, school closed for a long time, some diplomas presented in distance, etc.) we decided to change completely the editorial concept in use for the last 3 years. This new version present not only the works of the graduates but also the graduates themself in a selection of documentary photos taken during the installation of their diplomas.​​​​​​​

The sewn binding with visible spine allows the book to open flat and makes it easier to handle. Thanks to this binding, images take up more space in the layout. The green Pantone color develops on all pages and helps separate the different parts of the content.
Size: 190 x 250 mm
Number of pages: 160 + 4 cover
Paper: Multioffset120 g/m2 and Maxi offset 350 g/m2
Binding: sewn binding
Print: Offset
Typefaces: Messine (Atelier de typographie de l'ÉSAL) & Work Sans (Wei Huang)
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Diplômes 2020

Diplômes 2020
