Akash Pratap Singh's profile

AM-One: Personal Air Purification System

Type- PAPS design(Personal Air Purification System) done for my previous employer
Date- 2020
Status- Prototype tested(on hold)

AM-One was developed in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and problems which arose due to global usage of face masks. Am-One was designed to provide clean air by employing HEPA filters to filter out not only bacteria, viruses but allergens and pollutants as well.
Due to COVID-19 outbreak there was a sudden surge in number of people who started wearing masks. This sudden change in lifestyle of people had more impact than anticipated, facial identification, facial expressions, identification of familiar faces became difficult. It changed the way people have interacted with each other for and technology too.

The question arises that if there is any way to maintain the norms of interaction while ensuring safety from diseases and pollutants.
In research it was also found out that many people were experiencing health related problems due to usage of masks over a long period of time.
Based on the research many concepts were developed of which few are shown below
Why Two Part Design?
It was done to reduce the overall cost of manufacturing and ownership. By having shield separated from filtration unit, the shield then can be very cheap to replace which will get damaged over time. Also the only disposable part being the HEPA filter cartridge the environmental impact is also minimized.

Two part design also shifts the weight from face to neck, as the neckband contains many electronic components. With less pressure and weight on the face AM-One can be worn for longer duration and HEPA filters ensure that only filtered air is supplied to the user
AM-One: Personal Air Purification System


AM-One: Personal Air Purification System
