Book editing concept

When I creating a book adaptation for May, I focused mainly on the story itself and the character of K. H. Mácha's work in the Romantic period. The darkness and rupture of the soul is reflected in the wildness and picturesqueness of nature. It intertwines with the whole story and completes the mysterious atmosphere of the whole work. 

The tragic story takes place around Lake Mácha, the water is a significant symbol here, either as a reference to nature itself or the dark depths of the soul. Therefore, it was chosen as the main motif for the graphic design of the book. Just as the author's soul can be reflected on the surface of water, the "May" is reflected on the cover of book. It takes the form of a distinctive expressive typography, which is "rippled" in various ways throughout the book and spills over in headings and illustrations. 

Expressiveness was intentionally used for its ambiguity, where we can see in the illustrations both the reflection of the water surface and, for example, blood. The design of the whole book is in simplicity and minimally colorfull. leaves room for the colorful language of the whole work and pleasantly vibrates the reader's imagination.


© 2020
Book editing May

Book editing May

A limited edition of the May book has been created for the Specialbook publishing house, which provides an opportunity for young artists.


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