Janday Power Tools
This is a project completed in Graphic Design 4 at OCAD University. This project was assigned to teach strategic branding. There were several stages including, research of other similar brands, development of visual identity, developing of brand implementation and creating stationary items.
Multiple versions of the logo were created including: Positive, Positive B+W, Negative and Negative B+W.
A saefty for the logo was developed based on the cap height of the 'Power Tools' text. There should be at least one cap height of safety on each side.
The minimum size for the logo was set as 1.25". At this size, th etext can still be read and the details of the dog can still be made out.
Stationary Items
Business cards for the executives of the company were designed first. George Stroumboulopoulos and John Doe were used as placeholder names to ensure that both long and short names would be accommodated by the design.
A letter head and envelope were designed for office use. This was set in Calluna Light set in tabular lining which was defined as the company’s main body text for all documents.
The stationery set was designed as a system and has a strong uniform look that reflects the power tool company for which it was designed.
Promotional Material
A pamphlet was created to advertise different products that would operate with a universal battery.
In-store displays were also designed for where the products would be sold. This included a banner to sit above the products and a shelf insert that would be folded into three sections.
Shelf Header 24x4.5"
Shelf insert 60x24"
Janday Power Tools


Janday Power Tools
