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"Small Town Living" Illustration

Small Town Living
Phase 1 of Small Town Living
This work includes three different layers of illustrations: (1) the beauty and life of someone living in San Luis Obispo (SLO), (2) the advertisements placed on top of the beauty of the area, (3) the chaotic realities of actually living in SLO. These layers work together to comment on the differences between how SLO is advertised and what is actually seen when living in the area. 
This mock-up video shows the how the layers of illustrations work together. As the viewer zooms out from the beauty and the advertisements of SLO, the realities of what is actually seen when in the area begin to come into view; the "reality check" of this zooming out represents what it is like to live in the area and see the parts of SLO that is not advertised. 
Flat illustrations in their three respective layers to this project. From left to right: the beauty of SLO, how that beauty is advertised, and the chaotic realities.
"Small Town Living" Illustration

"Small Town Living" Illustration
