Camila Cordeiro's profile

Firenze - Concept Studies

Firenze - Concept Studies
Back in 2016 I spent a year living in the beautiful city of Florence, Italy. It was the most important time for my academic formation, such as life experience on itself. Florence is where the Renaissance was born, where all the gran masters of art stepped foot on. So it is no news how much of an inspiring city it is for anyone.

But... we find ourselves in 2020/21, in a global pandemic, that had Italy as its epicenter during the firsts months of quarantine. With all that, I never felt a need so deep to be there, as I have ever felt since 2017.

So I looked into my photo folder from my year in Firenze, and came across this 3 photos I took back then. One, from a small street, with an arch I used to pass by every day going to university; the second, a view from the famous Uffizi Gallery; and third the view from Piazzale Michelangelo at the end of the evening.
From there, it was all inspiration, nostalgia, and pure love for the most beautiful city in the world.
Thank you for the attention, hope you enjoyed it!
Firenze - Concept Studies


Firenze - Concept Studies
