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Poster Design for the Falla Skansen event

Every year "Las Fallas" is celebrated in Spain, a traditional festival in Valencia, considered Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.
Some Spaniards who live in Trondheim (Norway), moved by the fact of not being able to go to celebrate the Fallas in Spain in times of Covid, decided to join forces and bring them to Trondheim. If they couldn't go to the fallas, the fallas would come here. So they ended up creating @fallaskansen.

From the studio @manxastudio , we wanted to help and contribute our bit to an event that excited us a lot. So we proposed this poster design according to the needs of the event, an event that in the end stayed 'among friends'.

What is the creative concept behind?

When we design an icon we always look for a concept: what we want to communicate and who is the public behind it.

In our case, it was clear to us: to join forces between both cities, using the most representative of them as a base; their flags. We found colors and shades that could only help us to enhance the fusion between the two.

As a result, we created a flower composed of flaming petals that represents on the one hand the iconic flower so characteristic of the flag of the city of Trondheim (Norway), together with the flame that represents the cremà (the act of setting fire to a Fallas monument in Valencia, Spain).
The flower is the icon of the event, an aesthetically pleasing flamed flower that integrates the most representative of each place.

Poster Design for the Falla Skansen event


Poster Design for the Falla Skansen event
