Tribeless Client Brief
For this unique opportunity, we were tasked with designing a pattern for Tribeless a fashion brand which formed as an answer to the lack of appreciation for African and other heritage forms. In this brief there are two parts, in part one we will be designing pattern artwork to be used on Tribeless merchandise, and in part two we will be extending on our part one designs to explore a range of pattern making styles and techniques. The pattern artwork has to speak to the Tribeless identity. An aesthetic that is South African/African, sustainable (environmentally friendly) and artistic.

The brief I made for myself based on this is to make a pattern that will stand out and be fun yet versatile, I want to incorporate African plants and designs with bright colors. I will explore different designs and work on them separately as to maximize effort into creating a pattern that will work with everything Tribeless stands for.
Creative environment.

For this pattern I want to create a unique design that is creative and that is environmentally based, I have made 4 patterns so far, they all use African patterns broken up and scattered around, I want the pattern to fit in with being sustainable with promoting good health and wellbeing, by using bright colors that will cheer anyone who wears the shirt up, and by using shapes that can give people different positive feelings. I made these patterns that will stand out to be fun and versatile, I incorporated African plants and designs with bright colors to show how amazing Africa really is.
Process work
T-shirt Mockups
Pattern Poster's
Final pattern chosen
                                                                  Thank you

