My Source for Creativity
On September 2019 Just Tea's League was formed.

No no no no not the DC's Justice League. Just Tea's League group of 4 friends who used to meet at one place and used to drink tea and refresh themselves after a long hectic day.

First there was no name to the group but one of them suggested Just Tea's League and everyone agreed to it. 

24 March 2021 while drinking tea I came up with an idea to the design logo of our group after 1.5 years. 
Logo for Just Tea's League
Designing this logo was not tough.

First I drawn a rough sketch of the design which I had in my mind don' t just jump on the software you will just waste your time. Take time brainstorm and draw a rough sketch.

What I have learned that designing on a software doesn't take much time but what to design is something that we need to think & work on.​​​​​​​
Rough Sketch
( ps: If you are laughing at my drawing then my friend you just booked your one way ticket to hell. :p )

Then I started my design with making Justice League logo and in another file I designed a cup of tea (which is also my source of creativity).

Then I drag and dropped my cup of tea on JL's logo and then adjusted it a little and finally my logo was ready.
Designed in Illustrator
This hardly took me 1 hour to brainstorm and execute my design & here it is.
think creative

think creative
