Lee Coleman's profile

Concept Art: Hubs at Night

Hubs at Night: Process
(blows off the dust on my Behance account) 
Wow it's been a while, haha. Been so busy with school that I forgot this account existed. Welp! No time like the present I guess! 

Started my senior year in college and I'm currently working on my thesis, which is the start of a concept art booklet. I've been developing an alien world since the beginning of sophomore year and so I thought I would dedicate this year to developing the world more. I will probably make a separate post for all my WIPs, but this was the first piece of polished concept art I finished during the semester. The picture is of apartments (known as hubs in universe) for this alien species I'm making called Mechaniks (or Niks for short).
So the first step was the sketch. I've started painting my images instead of lining them before coloring, so my sketches are relatively loose and suggestive. Then I went and made a grid for perspective that I could reference when I started painting. Used Paintool Sai's perspective tool so I knew where to put the grid. 
Then I painted in flat colors of the background and building. 
I then added in the characters, lamps, and the mobile, as well as rendered details on the building with some general shading.
Then all that was left was rendering the shadows . There are still some perspective issues that I want to work out when I can (namely the front door of the building), but I'm very happy with how it's turned out.
Concept Art: Hubs at Night

Concept Art: Hubs at Night
