Colombian brand based on Cannabidiol.

The Challenge
Currently, cannabidiol-based products are highly stigmatized and undervalued, unfortunately, the benefits that they can provide the human body in medical terms (apart from recreational) are not highlighted in our society. The Bionnabis brand seeks to break these prejudices by creating products with natural ingredients that are beneficial for the human body; developing natural formulas that can be used in a variety of scenarios: from skincare to muscle painkillers and relaxants for medium to high-performance athletes.​​​​​​​

Our Approach
One of the most common mistakes is to confuse cannabis with recreational marijuana. This common error goes by a communication towards users, where shapes, colors, and elements, are usually seen for alternative recreation use. For this reason, it was key for us to seek a new communication towards these products that would tell us about quality and trust in terms of health, why did they buy certain products? How did they see them? What did they sell? When did they do it? Where were the people who bought this? For us, it was important to take the different references that we had of products of professional athletes and skincare, where the brands gave us a feeling of cleanliness, health, and confidence to be the basis of communication with the product.​​​​​​​

The Results
🌱 Health in its purest form
👩🏻‍🔬Experts in developing formulas with + 95% ingredients of natural origin ✨
🧘🏼‍♀️ Mind, body, and skin connection. Creation of e-commerce site

Bionnabis UX|UI

Bionnabis UX|UI
