Sophie Guttman's profile

The Touch Up Prototype

Archetype & Conceptual Direction
The archetype assigned for this project was "The Creator" and was paired with the sense of touch; both categories influenced the design and eventual creation of "The Touch Up." 

The Creator believes in innovation at the center of all things, and utilizes self-expression, uniqueness, and imagination to go through life. Nothing the creator thinks of has ever been done before, and this is what they thrive on. By working together with their creativity, new thinking, and sense of touch, anything that the creator imagines can immediately be formed at the tap of a finger or the touch of their hand. Nothing can or will stop the creator from reaching new heights, starting new trends, and inspiring others to find new ways of innovating just as they do. 
Sketches & The Process
When creating "The Touch Up" I had to consider many aspects. To begin with, my only material that I would be using was cardboard. With this in mind I wanted to convey the idea of creativity and innovation despite using such a minimal and bland material. To achieve this I decided to use rounded sides, curves, and small detailing to show the dynamic features and constant flow of creative thinking that comes along with a character such as this. The hand piece which would allow the person to create and build whatever they imagine needed to be more than just a simple attachment, therefore I used three repeating curved triangular shapes on either hand that attached to a braided piece of paper. By using these, it allowed for the design to show through rather than just the material itself. Instead of using a material that was colorful or patterned, the basic nature of the cardboard really showcased the highlights, shadows, curves, and shapes present in this design. This is particularly seen within the shoulder caps, which were created to add a unique silhouette that is as unique as the ideas that the "creator" comes up with. 

My main intention with this prototype was to transform the innovative ideas and thoughts that the creator has and make them into an actual form. While creativity is usually an internal part of a person. This prototype takes that creativity outside of the mind and becomes an object that the person can easily wear. With two separate arm pieces that slip on and off easily, and a structured back panel – with a front belt piece – that can be put on by slipping over the head onto one's shoulders, this prototype is complex in detail, yet still elegant and easy to use with a wide range of mobility for creating anything one would come up with. 
The Touch Up
Stand Alone & Worn
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The Touch Up Prototype

The Touch Up Prototype
