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Organizations That Help Children

Organizations That Help Children Are Focused To Build Resilience Through Life Skills 

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While the education system focuses on mainstream subjects, some organizations that help children are focused on assisting children in evolving their life skills.

Life skills go hand in hand with mainstream education to help a child succeed later in life. Highs and lows are a part of every individual’s life, including children. However, parents or guardians often miss out on this crucial aspect, which seems minor to them in the present scenario; however, it could play a significant role in preparing the child for future adversities. For this sole reason, life skills education for children can be a core contributing factor towards building resilience.

Numerous Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that help children are focused on teaching these skills to those that are less fortunate. Some of these life skills or ‘learning to learn’ skills, as they are often referred to, consist of several aspects that delved deeper into, portray their importance in an individual’s life. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) has described ten of them. They are:

Decision making- The ability to rightly pick the best from available alternatives.
Problem-solving- The skill to efficiently and effectively solving issues without any delay.
Creative thinking- The capability to think differently and give things a new perspective.
Critical thinking- The flair to think calmly and rationally even in a critical situation.
Effective communication- The mastery to communicate efficiently with more listening than speaking. 
Interpersonal relationship skills- The behavior and tactics used to interact with others productively.
Self-awareness- The versatility to recognize own emotions, behaviors and believes for a deep understanding of self.
Empathy- The artistry to put oneself into someone else’s shoes and understand their perspective thoroughly.
Coping with emotions- The expertise to manage emotions and intense feelings without being knocked down.
Coping with stress- The efficacy to deal with stressful situations in a calm manner.

Life skills education that includes the above aspects can be a remedial measure for eradicating academic backwardness, communication, behavioral, or emotional problems. Acquiring these skills helps one sail smoothly through various situations in life.

When it comes to providing life skills education, it can act as an obstacle for financially challenged or perhaps, orphaned children who find it difficult to receive them. Children in developing countries find it hard to enjoy their fundamental rights to read and write. Therefore, getting them equipped with life skills is a serious challenge.

Some of the reasons why children find it difficult to get primary education include gender discrimination, child labor, and a binding to pay fees. Situations such as toxic stress from trauma or violence, child marriage leading to early pregnancy, violent environments in or around the schools make it even more difficult.

Building resilience in children helps them overcome obstacles more efficiently and reduces their chances of suffering from anxiety or other stress-related disorders. Non-profit initiatives are laying a foundation as an organization that helps children attain youth development by providing life skills education to the youth that is often looked up to as the future.

At Magic Bus, we work with children and young people living in poverty-stricken sections of the country by equipping them with the skills needed to grow up and move out of poverty. This helps them successfully fend off challenges such as child marriage and child labor to live a fulfilling life with a respectable livelihood.

Magic Bus is an organization that helps children by developing resilience by providing them with life skills education adequately. We equip children and young people in the age group of 12 to 18 with the skills and knowledge they need to grow up and move out of poverty.

You can also help by donating, where we ensure that we take a million children from childhood to livelihood. Contribute to transforming the lives of the young ones today! Donate now.

Organizations That Help Children

Organizations That Help Children


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