Paris Jackson's profile

Circles in the Office

Skillshare Class Project

Demystifying Beauty: Inspiration for Design

About the Skillshare class along with the small assignment that I took a jab at.

What do we mean by "beauty"? 

How can you bring beauty into your own work? Join museum curators Ellen Lupton and Andrea Lipps for a half-hour class exploring beauty!

Go inside New York City's Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum.

Explore 5 themes through dozens of examples from contemporary art and design.
Create a beautiful pattern of your own — a surprising and powerful prompt to engage with your own notions of beauty.

I watched this particular class during free time at work, so I started to look around for things with circles around the office.   These are the items I grabbed and just as Ms. Ellen stamped circles on a piece of paper, I used the ink from a sharpie to make my own marks.  I them scanned the patterns and used the circles from the end of the AAA battery to create more colorful and interesting patterns.
These are the patterns I was able to create from the end of a AAA battery.

I enjoyed the class project and it was a way to spark creativity and work with my hands more.
Circles in the Office

Circles in the Office
